About me

I began researching Vedic and Hora Astrology since 1989 when I was 14 years old. I was drawn to the “Systems method” of Predictive Astrology which has drawn plenty inspiration from the Bible of Hindu Astrology –Parashar Hora Shastra.

I officially began seeing horoscopes in 1996 and by the year 2000 I had over 2500 clients in India. I continued my research in Astrology passionately and came to some very interesting conclusions over time.

While the great Science of Astrology can be leveraged beneficially for numerous reasons which I will outline in my forthcoming articles I strongly believe that Astrology is an indicative Science rather than a predictive Science. It is prudent that every student and patron of Astrology understand that there is invariably a convergence of Karma and Destiny.

After a hiatus of 8 years I decided to renew my research back in Astrology and follow my passion avidly to bring this great Science to every door in America and around the world.

You can see some of my recent predictions at https://www.facebook.com/starsandastrology/ including my prediction of Donald Trump winning the elections on May 5th, 2016 against all odds.

I have finally decided to launch my website and Mobile App upon the insistence of my friends, family and numerous clients. You can also find testimonies on my Facebook Page from clients and friends who have had their Astrological Analysis done over the past few years.

I am a Computer Engineer by profession working in the field of Cyber Security.


Gautam Kapur

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Gautam Kapur

- Astrologer